Shutterstock 'Premier' Customers

Shutterstock 'Premier' Customers

Shutterstock 'Premier' Customers




Shutterstock had unanswered questions when it came to their Premier customers. How do they interact internally with different teams (collaboration, approval processes, etc.)? How do they feel about the way Shutterstock organizes and presents license types? How do they like the platform? To answer them, my team conducted a series of individual and dyadic in-depth interview sessions. The final report (a few slides are shown below) delivered a full analysis of the findings, ready to inform the future development of Shutterstock Premier’s platform and license offerings.

Below are a few slides from the final report.

Shutterstock had unanswered questions when it came to their Premier customers. How do they interact internally with different teams (collaboration, approval processes, etc.)? How do they feel about the way Shutterstock organizes and presents license types? How do they like the platform? To answer them, my team conducted a series of individual and dyadic in-depth interview sessions. The final report (a few slides are shown below) delivered a full analysis of the findings, ready to inform the future development of Shutterstock Premier’s platform and license offerings.

Below are a few slides from the final report.

Shutterstock had unanswered questions when it came to their Premier customers. How do they interact internally with different teams (collaboration, approval processes, etc.)? How do they feel about the way Shutterstock organizes and presents license types? How do they like the platform? To answer them, my team conducted a series of individual and dyadic in-depth interview sessions. The final report (a few slides are shown below) delivered a full analysis of the findings, ready to inform the future development of Shutterstock Premier’s platform and license offerings.

Below are a few slides from the final report.

© 2024. Tatiana Kligerman